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Moonrise Herbs Blog

Blessed Beltane!

arcata arcatamainstreet arcataplaza beltane magick may day may day 2022 moonriseherbs sabbat

Blessed Beltane!

A Blessed Beltane eve to you all! Beltane is the considered High Spring in the pagan calendar of the Northern Hemisphere and symbolizes the Earth's most potent fertility, sacred union, passion, creation, vitality & joy.  Jumping through a bonfire is a commonly seen activity from the Celtic tradition in order to honor the gods, the sun & earth,  as well as purify and enliven the body & spirit.  It could also be done by couples wishing to strengthen their commitment or bond. This particular May Day falls on a New Moon in Gemini with a solar eclipse so mind your magical...

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More Nummy Nettles! - Herbal Wisdom Wednesday

#herbalwisdomwednesday nettle stingingnettle urticadioica wild food recipe wildcraft wildfoods

More Nummy Nettles! - Herbal Wisdom Wednesday

More Nummy Nettles! It’s that perfect time of year to harvest fresh Stinging Nettle leaves if you haven’t already!  Urtica dioica (Perennial Stinging Nettle) & Urtica urens (Small Nettle) can be found in many untamed places the world over. They love nitrogen-rich, moist soil around rivers, creek-beds & formerly cultivated lands. If you are able & inclined, we highly encourage you to explore where it might be in your area and ethically harvest this incredible wild food! Being a wild food, Nettles are packed full of nutrients and trace minerals that are harder to get from farmed foods. Not only...

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7 Cups - Tarot & Tea

7cups dream dream blend moonriseherbs motherpeacetarot tarot tarotandtea

7 Cups - Tarot & Tea

We hope it is a happy Tuesday for you, friends! Welcome back to Tarot & Tea! Today’s card comes from the iconic Motherpeace Tarot….oh, she of the round cards and Goddess spirit! This deck was created in the late 70’s by Karen Vogel & Vicki Noble.  This deck features figures from what the authors consider to be more Goddess-centered cultures & eras around the world. The Motherpeace deck can be considered more feministic & often reads more positively than traditional decks.  I believe this was the first deck to feature rounded cards and that is intended to offer a more...

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Hawthorn - Herbal Wisdom Wednesday

cardio herbs cardio tonic cretaegus spp hawthorn

Hawthorn - Herbal Wisdom Wednesday

We are coming into the season of the great Hawthorn, Thornapple, Whitethorn, Shan Zha or May tree!  This ancient tree has many varieties the world over and has been used as a cardio tonic and food in many cultures and medicinal modalities for centuries.  While the European varieties can grow quite tall and gnarled....quite like apple trees really, our western varieties like the Black Hawthorn or Klamath Hawthorn tend to look more shrub-like. There is no doubt our hearts carry the great burden of our stress & worry which can cause negative effects over time. Emotionally, absolutely, but stress hormones...

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Spring Herbs - Herbal Wisdom Wednesday

chickweed cleansing herbs cleavers diuretics gallium apine lymphatic herbs spring herbs stellaria media

Spring Herbs - Herbal Wisdom Wednesday

Cleavers (Gallium aparine) Perhaps you are walking along in your garden and all of a sudden you have this sticky plant attached to your pants! Well, you’ve just encountered Cleavers, also known as the Velcro Plant or Bedstraw, as early settlers used it to stuff mattresses. This spring plant is on of the most important and safe Lymphatic tonics we can turn to for gentle detox and immune support. Acting as an alterative (blood purifier) and diuretic (helps body excrete excess fluids) it helps remove toxins from the body, while supporting immune function. It can help provide relief for a...

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