Moonrise Herbs Blog — #moonriseherbs #selfcare #wombhealth #womblove #yonihealth #yonisteam #womenshealth #mencandosteamstoo #moonriseclasses #sabrinaouriana #goddessalchemist
Self-Care through Womb Love begins next week!
Just one week until the Self-Care through Womb Love class begins! Sabrina Ouriana will guide us to a deeper, more comprehensive understanding and relationship with our most intimate of intimates. Part of this class will include an in-depth discussion on yoni steaming, so to mark #herbalwisdomwednesday, we would love to revisit a wonderful article by our own Danielle! I've noticed a recent trend in awareness and curiosity surrounding yoni steaming. My very first impression of yoni steaming left me with more questions than answers, and quite frankly I thought it was very odd. It wasn't until I had been...